21 May 2013

Making a scarf

First approach (without beading)
 Trying to make a scarf really needs time to do, especially beading!
 The reason why I decided to make it is that I found this print fabric when I went to fabric shops in order to buy jersey for dress making. However, the length is a little short as a scarf, so it was necessary to let it long with lace and fringe  It took a lot of time to find lace which is suitable for the print fabric. 
Then, I thought it looked a little simple although adding with them. Therefore, I tried to bead on it.
That was totally the beginning to go hell...
Beading was absolutely fiddly work. It took for ages...
Finally, I finished it, and beading on the end of scarf makes it a little heavy. Now I wonder it might make my neck be tired because of weight.


7 May 2013

A cotton bag.

The price of his  cotton bag is  almost £1 excluded my working time. I found these fabric in a scrap box at a fabric shop. Before this, I used a bag which was a supplement to a Japanese fashion magazine. ( In Japan, so many magazines are published with supplements nowadays, for instance, bags, pouch, mirrors etc.)
This bag consists with a different liner material with a pocket inside. The role of pocket is keeping snacks! hahaha.
However, one mistake is that I did not recognize putting stripe pattern between the pocket and the liner before I sewed. Never mind, it is just inside and this bag is mine.

A square  thing on the right of this bag is a coaster for my desk. 

The remnant of stripe fabric left over from making the bag  will become a apron for my friend working at a cafe within a few days, maybe...       


26 Apr 2013

Magazines with dress patterns.

When I was drawing a new dress pattern, my landlady showed 80's women's magazines because  there were dress and shirt patterns with them. 
I remember at the same era, some Japanese fashion magazines also provided dress patterns on magazines. Those pattern were really nice and valuable because they were copied of high designers houses clothes. Even  though the patters seemed to be difficult, they were divided into levels of sewing skill. 
These days, sewing clothes is not popular, therefore these pages are disappeared  from magazines, unfortunately. Actually, a few magazines still offer pattern making pages, just as quarterly books. However, the quality of those patterns are  lower than before. When clothes were made by the patterns, the appearances are totally just like so so hand made. Thinking about cost of time and price to make clothes, buying them is really easy and reasonable. However, if people would like to have  designs whatever they like and the size is fitted to themselves, making their own clothes is good and fun. 
To tell the truth, I am not good at sewing, so for me sewing is still fiddly...
By the way, these magazines are good for me to increase English vocabulary of sewing.


22 Apr 2013

Making notebooks using Liberty paper.

Using a printed paper I bought at Liberty, I made notebooks. Actually, the original notebook is only 40p ( it is a little smaller than A4 size.)
The paper I chose is so so Liberty print whose price is around £3 and the size can be took for 4 notes, and still remains a little not enough to make a note.  
The front and end of back of covers are stuck by different papers. I tried to use several papers, for instance, printed fine paper, coloured  papers.
If I bought a note at Liberty, the price should be more than £12 at least. However, the price of this note is only around £1 except calculating  my working hour.
One thing I have to say is measuring strictly is the most important to make this kind of original notes or books...... That's really crucial process for me!

リバティの紙は、売られていた中で、いかにも!!という柄    を選んで、約3ポンド(日本円にして約450円弱くらいかな)ノート4つ分を使って、まだ残ってます。(これ以上はA4では、作れないくらいです)リバティでノートを買うと、最低でも12ポンドくらいとられるんですが、これは、1冊あたり1ポンドです(まあ、私の労働時間やら、その辺の手持ちの紙を裏紙に使ったのもありますが)

8 Apr 2013

Children Books.

 For my nephew's birthday present, I bought these two books. Thinking about illustrators' jobs, in the UK drawing for Children books is more popular then the others. The right book in the photo above is written by Lucy Cousins, the author of Maisy. 
The story is about a zebra boy who has a new younger brother and his situation is the same as my nephew!
The other book in the photo is by my favorite British illustrator, Quentin Black. I really like his drawing, even though his style is not like as fashion drawing. For me, one of the most important things for drawing is how the drawing lines are alive and unique. 
Hope these books could help his study of English!
However, there is not a post office near my house...


1 Apr 2013

Got two shirts.

At Port bellow Market, I got two used shirts as a reasonable price. One is a cotton shirt by Vivienne Westwood, the other one is 70's Jersey Italian printed shirt.
Needless to day, the silhouette of Vivienne's shirt is really beautiful and well-made one. However, unfortunately there is a sewing mistake inside. That makes me a little disappoint because the name of bland is really famous high fashion house.
On the other hand, the print design of jersey shirt is very funny and unusual for me. It is not loud, but fascinating for me. I always name this type of design things 'retiring-showy' (my coined word).
If someone wears quite striking clothes, other people could remember    them when the people saw them just once, and think the person always wear them. However, although retiring-showy clothes are unique, they could wear again and again, and convenience to coordinate, I suppose.
By the way, the reason I like jersey shirts is that they don't need iron!        

21 Mar 2013

Rough drawing for illustration, Alexander McQueen

Now having a project of drawing illustrations, I tried a new tool. This drawing on the left is a just a rough one to test a new nib and drawn within 1 min. The reference is from Autumn / Winter collection by Alexander McQueen.
Twelve fashion designers should be chosen in order to make a calender.  In fact, this is a first time to make a sketchbook for illustration properly. The reason why I make it that there will be 12 illustrations I should draw. I had never made it for illustration before, just done with rough drawings on scrap papers. 
Moreover, making a sketchbook for illustration is much simpler than making it for textiles, I suppose. My sketchbooks for textiles are really messy rather than for illustration because they have drawing a lot to get images and textures for silk screen, recipes of dye, samples of manipulation and so on. It is quite difficult to sort. However, both of them might be fun to build up my projects, but I bother troublesome.

今迄、イラストを仕上げるときは、資料を使い、ラフをその辺の紙に描いてました。イラストで、スケッチブックを作るのは, テキスタイルデザインで作るより、シンプルかも・・・というのも、テキスタイルでは、スクリーンの為のドローイングを山の様に描き、染めのレシピも作り、作品の為のサンプル、試作の試行錯誤したものなどなどをまとめないといけなくて、とてもじゃないですが、まとめきれないです・・・(整理整頓下手です・・・)

16 Mar 2013

Sewing a shirt-dress I drew the pattern

FInally, a shirt-dress I drew the pattern before was sewn today.


When I made a prototype by calico,  the cuffs weren't checked. I have to repair the pattern!
There are still a few meters of this fabric, so I will make other pattern for this print.

However, I realize that I am not good at sewing... It's bother me, so fiddly.


11 Mar 2013

Water colour drawing.

Haven't drawn mode illustration by water colour for a long time, my landlady required me to do it in order to show her how to paint it as a demonstration.  
Only two colours ( black and turquoise blue) and a black oil pencil were used for this drawing. At the beginning I imagined  the finishing of drawing approximately. It took 30 ~ 40 min I suppose because to dry ink needed a couple of time by a hair dryer.  
This exercises makes me that I should draw more and more to improve my drawing skill.   
By the way, my hair dryer is always used just for drying my art work, not for hire.....


9 Mar 2013

How can I do this?

photo 1: the cover of book

This book I got at a market last week is really interesting, especially illustrations of pattern in it. These patterns are so beautiful. 
Recently, I collect antique lace handkerchieves and laced ribbons in order to try to my new project. Therefore, is there an opportunity, I would like to challenge to lace these. It is very difficult for me, although I read instruction in the book from the beginning. I have no ideas how to make and what I need to do this.
I think I should find a short course or someone who knows how to do this to learn...
However, only watching these patterns with illustrations is so fun for me.

Photo 2: illustrations of pattern

3 Mar 2013

Doing exercises.

Having tried to draw one piece  a day from 1st of March, I drew the cover of my croquie book.
This was brought from Japan, because I have not be able to find a fine papered sketch book in the UK.
The size of this is SM (302 mm x 242 mm). I usually use the bigger size SL (356 mm x 268 mm). Thinking for weight of my luggage I chose the smaller one. However, this is a little awkward to use for figure drawings. Therefore, I use this for face drawings.
In fact, I bought A3 copy papers for figure drawings...


26 Feb 2013

Worked at Alison Willoughby's studio!

I have done my internship at Alison's studio last week which was a short term one but really good and had a lot of experience. 
The basis of her designing is 'Simple and Effective' which is totally the same of mine and put  the sentence in the top page of my web site.
Her original designs are remarkable whilst using scraps to create. They made me remember that In the UK, people are really flexible and freely for arts and designs. 
On the final day at the studio, she gave me a lot of materials. Before working there, it seemed to be difficult for me how to use these for my creations. However, having done my internship there gives possibility for me to crate from  a different angle than before.  For instance, not to prepare and buy all ingredients from a recipe for cooking, but to be able to cook using ingredients in a fridge I have already.       

彼女のデザインの基本は、私と全く同じ。「Simple & Effective」。私自身のWEBにも、そう書いている位です。

15 Feb 2013

How different between Mode-dessin and Croquis!

See the photo on the left. These are examples of drawing, Mode-dessin and Croqius I did using the same photo from a magazine.

Mode-dessin is taken 15~20 min to draw and sketched very carefully. On the other hand, croqius should be done within 5 min. Although taking care on the dessin points, the most important thing is lines.

Now, I would like you to ask a question!
Which drawing would you like? On the right or the left?
The description of this question is on the bottom, under the Japanese sentences.



If you say, ' I like it on the right as a croqius.'
You are familiar to art! The reason why is that croquis has individuality which is the most important matter for artists. The line drawing is really freely, and looks like alive, doesn't it?



4 Feb 2013

Teaching Fashion Drawing!!

Picture 1: The first approach by my house mates

Since yesterday, I've taught  basic fashion drawing for my landlady and house mates. What the start is that they saw my drawing as my exercise. 
Then my drawing lesson starts after dinner every day. Yesterday was the first day and they took more than 2 hours to finish one drawing. Surprisingly, they drew jolly good!!
(see picture 1)
My landlady as well. (see picture 2)
In fact, they did under the direction of me, but I couldn't believe these were their first approach of mode-dessin!!
I think they got a good teacher!! lol

picture 2: The first approach by my landlady
When they finished their drawings, I said, ' I also have to draw to keep and improve my skill'. My landlady required me to       draw 2 photos by quick drawing. ( She wanted to see how long I can draw it!! ) 
Drawing in front of people, especially quick one is really tense. I finished 2 drawing within 5 min per each. ( Picture 3)  That's a great exercise for me!! 
Moreover, my house mates always went back their room after dinner, although they are English learners. I think it also good for them to do something with the landlady.

picture 3: my drawing as sample within 5 min per each

1 Feb 2013

Dessin! Dessin!! Dessin!!!

In this blog, I always write about dress patter, while my major is drawing!!
I did not draw mode-dessin drawings for a long time, so tried to do yesterday. That's horrible!!
It's taken a longer than usual I did before.
Then, I drew more freely to do quickly.
The picture putting here is the second drawing I did within 2 min.
The lines made as quick drawing are just like alive, even though the dessin points are slightly different from the photo as a sample.
I need more practices to recover and keep my skill!!  


30 Jan 2013

Can this design suit for boys?

My rough drawing for a design and the faric
Having tried next pattern, I found a Japanese kimono fabric for boys. So I decided to draw shit pattern for boys. BUT! While thinking details, the design changed into for girls again!!
However, if I would use the fabric to make a shit, it might look like for boys, probably.
Should I sew it to make sure that the design can be for boys?


28 Jan 2013

VIsiting Clothkits!!

Today I visited to Clothkits in Chichester, and met
people there. That's really fantastic!!
This company supports people who love hand crafts and provides many fabrics, materials and kits.
The sense of display in the shop is really lovely that is different from Japan.
Recently, there are many box type of kits named mook ( coined work- Magazine and book) in book stores in Japan.
In the UK, people are very flexible to  develop their ideas and preferences for creating.
I hope Japanese , especially children, would enjoy creating more、having flexibility and freely.

日本でも 資材付きのmook本が流行ってますが、なんか、こちらのキッドはもっと、自由な感じがします。マニュアル一辺倒ではなく、自分の好みや、アイデアにとても柔軟ですよ、本当。

25 Jan 2013

How do I organize some motifs.

Using these deer motifs, I printed on T-shirts as well. I had got many types of T-shirts, and thought the printed position on the T-shirts. Of course, the coulur was important! 
There were 6 motifs on a silk-screen and all of them can be applied many combinations.  Moreover, using a motif can be created repeated pattern. There are so many applications for designing while just 6 motifs.
application of those motifs 
However, now I have just a T-shirt I printed, the others have gone to my nephew and my friend's daughter. In fact, the one was made a small mistake when I printed, so it's mine...haha

鹿のモチーフを使い、色々なTシャツにもプリントしました。Aラインやら, ボーダー柄とか、買って、何処に、どんな風にプリント柄を置こうかな〜〜と考えるのが楽しいもので。ま、色の組み合わせも、勿論大事!!

21 Jan 2013

Is this real official cotton bag by Tully's Coffee?

The answer of a question on this blog title is NO. The deer design was printed using silk screen on the cotton bag I bought at Tully's coffee, Japan(*1). (The shop logo is original print on it.)  I got three bags and printed two of them and gave them for friends as presents. When one of my friend saw it, she asked me, 'Did you buy this official cotton bag by Tully's?'
Haha!! She misunderstood that it was a official item. of Tully's coffee. That's great mistake for me  because it looks very professional, I suppose.
I want to use printed one, however, I still have the other blank one...

*1; Tully's coffee is one of the chain coffee shop in Japan like Cafe NERO and COSTA in the UK.


15 Jan 2013

For girls is more enjoyable!!

Thinking about drawing next pattern, I wanted to try to make a shirt pattern for boys, because boys designs are less than girls and I have vintage Kimono fabric for boys. However, when I started, I changed my mind. Yes, designing for girls is much fun than boys!! I pick up a image from a fashion magazine. ( actually, the image is from COMME des GARCONS)  and remade the image for kids.
Now, I am thinking that I should draw print pattern for my toilettee. 

さて、次にどんなパターンをひこうかな〜〜と考えて、よし、男の子の洋服は、デザインが少ないし、男の柄の着物の 端切れを持っていたぞ!!と、男の子のシャツをひこうと考えたのですが・・・いや、無理でした(笑)やっぱり、女の子向けのデザインのほうが、楽しいです・・・コムデギャルソンの写真のイメージから、子供らしくアレンジして、作ったトワレ。白い地模様の着物生地があるので、合うかな〜〜と思い作成。

12 Jan 2013

How to choose a design to draw?

Choosing a design to draw pattern, the main point for me is to learn application of pattern making and... to select it designed by high brands. When the clothes are really expensive, my motivation is rose! It's easy to buy cheap fashion rather than spending time to make the pattern.
I found the design on the left in a fashion magazine and the price was around £900.

However, I haven't make the shirt yet, because to find a nice silk print fabric for this is difficult.
I should design print pattern by myself. But who is going to sew??


8 Jan 2013

Kids pattern!!

A kids dress pattern for 95 cm hight and toilette is done today. The design is from a women's fashion magazine. When I started to draw it by the sloper, there were so many lines on the pattern paper. However, after thinking about slack and loose for kids body, the pattern became very simple...
It might have enough loose. I should ask someone whose child is around 2 years in order to check the silhouette.
On the other hand, necessary length of the cloth for child pattern is shorter than adult one. I've got Japanese antique kimono fabric a little but it's enough for the design. I might be going to make the sample by using the fabric.


6 Jan 2013

Shirt-dress pattern

Today, I've done drawing a shirt-dress pattern which is a little formal raglan sleeve and low waist design. To make this, I've already got cotton print cloth just like Japanese 'Komon'(小紋柄) pattern (Fine patter ).
Making dress pattern on papers is similar to manipulate textiles, which means to create something from 2D to 3D, I suppose. Therefore, I enjoyed drawing it.
 However, after finishing it, I got my satisfaction before making dress which I should trace the same process as making a garment by calico. 
So, I wonder when my shirt-dress will be sewn?

パタ―ンをひく事は、なんか、2Dから3Dにする感じが、テキスタイルで立体作品を作る感覚に似ている気がします。なので、シーチングを組む迄は楽しいの     ですが、いや、この後、縫製となると、同じ事の繰り返しの様で・・・生地があっても、いつになったら、完成するのか甚だ疑問です(苦笑) 


4 Jan 2013

A Happy New Year!!

A Happy New Year, 2013
