30 Jan 2013

Can this design suit for boys?

My rough drawing for a design and the faric
Having tried next pattern, I found a Japanese kimono fabric for boys. So I decided to draw shit pattern for boys. BUT! While thinking details, the design changed into for girls again!!
However, if I would use the fabric to make a shit, it might look like for boys, probably.
Should I sew it to make sure that the design can be for boys?


28 Jan 2013

VIsiting Clothkits!!

Today I visited to Clothkits in Chichester, and met
people there. That's really fantastic!!
This company supports people who love hand crafts and provides many fabrics, materials and kits.
The sense of display in the shop is really lovely that is different from Japan.
Recently, there are many box type of kits named mook ( coined work- Magazine and book) in book stores in Japan.
In the UK, people are very flexible to  develop their ideas and preferences for creating.
I hope Japanese , especially children, would enjoy creating more、having flexibility and freely.

日本でも 資材付きのmook本が流行ってますが、なんか、こちらのキッドはもっと、自由な感じがします。マニュアル一辺倒ではなく、自分の好みや、アイデアにとても柔軟ですよ、本当。

25 Jan 2013

How do I organize some motifs.

Using these deer motifs, I printed on T-shirts as well. I had got many types of T-shirts, and thought the printed position on the T-shirts. Of course, the coulur was important! 
There were 6 motifs on a silk-screen and all of them can be applied many combinations.  Moreover, using a motif can be created repeated pattern. There are so many applications for designing while just 6 motifs.
application of those motifs 
However, now I have just a T-shirt I printed, the others have gone to my nephew and my friend's daughter. In fact, the one was made a small mistake when I printed, so it's mine...haha

鹿のモチーフを使い、色々なTシャツにもプリントしました。Aラインやら, ボーダー柄とか、買って、何処に、どんな風にプリント柄を置こうかな〜〜と考えるのが楽しいもので。ま、色の組み合わせも、勿論大事!!

21 Jan 2013

Is this real official cotton bag by Tully's Coffee?

The answer of a question on this blog title is NO. The deer design was printed using silk screen on the cotton bag I bought at Tully's coffee, Japan(*1). (The shop logo is original print on it.)  I got three bags and printed two of them and gave them for friends as presents. When one of my friend saw it, she asked me, 'Did you buy this official cotton bag by Tully's?'
Haha!! She misunderstood that it was a official item. of Tully's coffee. That's great mistake for me  because it looks very professional, I suppose.
I want to use printed one, however, I still have the other blank one...

*1; Tully's coffee is one of the chain coffee shop in Japan like Cafe NERO and COSTA in the UK.


15 Jan 2013

For girls is more enjoyable!!

Thinking about drawing next pattern, I wanted to try to make a shirt pattern for boys, because boys designs are less than girls and I have vintage Kimono fabric for boys. However, when I started, I changed my mind. Yes, designing for girls is much fun than boys!! I pick up a image from a fashion magazine. ( actually, the image is from COMME des GARCONS)  and remade the image for kids.
Now, I am thinking that I should draw print pattern for my toilettee. 

さて、次にどんなパターンをひこうかな〜〜と考えて、よし、男の子の洋服は、デザインが少ないし、男の柄の着物の 端切れを持っていたぞ!!と、男の子のシャツをひこうと考えたのですが・・・いや、無理でした(笑)やっぱり、女の子向けのデザインのほうが、楽しいです・・・コムデギャルソンの写真のイメージから、子供らしくアレンジして、作ったトワレ。白い地模様の着物生地があるので、合うかな〜〜と思い作成。

12 Jan 2013

How to choose a design to draw?

Choosing a design to draw pattern, the main point for me is to learn application of pattern making and... to select it designed by high brands. When the clothes are really expensive, my motivation is rose! It's easy to buy cheap fashion rather than spending time to make the pattern.
I found the design on the left in a fashion magazine and the price was around £900.

However, I haven't make the shirt yet, because to find a nice silk print fabric for this is difficult.
I should design print pattern by myself. But who is going to sew??


8 Jan 2013

Kids pattern!!

A kids dress pattern for 95 cm hight and toilette is done today. The design is from a women's fashion magazine. When I started to draw it by the sloper, there were so many lines on the pattern paper. However, after thinking about slack and loose for kids body, the pattern became very simple...
It might have enough loose. I should ask someone whose child is around 2 years in order to check the silhouette.
On the other hand, necessary length of the cloth for child pattern is shorter than adult one. I've got Japanese antique kimono fabric a little but it's enough for the design. I might be going to make the sample by using the fabric.


6 Jan 2013

Shirt-dress pattern

Today, I've done drawing a shirt-dress pattern which is a little formal raglan sleeve and low waist design. To make this, I've already got cotton print cloth just like Japanese 'Komon'(小紋柄) pattern (Fine patter ).
Making dress pattern on papers is similar to manipulate textiles, which means to create something from 2D to 3D, I suppose. Therefore, I enjoyed drawing it.
 However, after finishing it, I got my satisfaction before making dress which I should trace the same process as making a garment by calico. 
So, I wonder when my shirt-dress will be sewn?

パタ―ンをひく事は、なんか、2Dから3Dにする感じが、テキスタイルで立体作品を作る感覚に似ている気がします。なので、シーチングを組む迄は楽しいの     ですが、いや、この後、縫製となると、同じ事の繰り返しの様で・・・生地があっても、いつになったら、完成するのか甚だ疑問です(苦笑) 


4 Jan 2013

A Happy New Year!!

A Happy New Year, 2013
