26 Apr 2013

Magazines with dress patterns.

When I was drawing a new dress pattern, my landlady showed 80's women's magazines because  there were dress and shirt patterns with them. 
I remember at the same era, some Japanese fashion magazines also provided dress patterns on magazines. Those pattern were really nice and valuable because they were copied of high designers houses clothes. Even  though the patters seemed to be difficult, they were divided into levels of sewing skill. 
These days, sewing clothes is not popular, therefore these pages are disappeared  from magazines, unfortunately. Actually, a few magazines still offer pattern making pages, just as quarterly books. However, the quality of those patterns are  lower than before. When clothes were made by the patterns, the appearances are totally just like so so hand made. Thinking about cost of time and price to make clothes, buying them is really easy and reasonable. However, if people would like to have  designs whatever they like and the size is fitted to themselves, making their own clothes is good and fun. 
To tell the truth, I am not good at sewing, so for me sewing is still fiddly...
By the way, these magazines are good for me to increase English vocabulary of sewing.


22 Apr 2013

Making notebooks using Liberty paper.

Using a printed paper I bought at Liberty, I made notebooks. Actually, the original notebook is only 40p ( it is a little smaller than A4 size.)
The paper I chose is so so Liberty print whose price is around £3 and the size can be took for 4 notes, and still remains a little not enough to make a note.  
The front and end of back of covers are stuck by different papers. I tried to use several papers, for instance, printed fine paper, coloured  papers.
If I bought a note at Liberty, the price should be more than £12 at least. However, the price of this note is only around £1 except calculating  my working hour.
One thing I have to say is measuring strictly is the most important to make this kind of original notes or books...... That's really crucial process for me!

リバティの紙は、売られていた中で、いかにも!!という柄    を選んで、約3ポンド(日本円にして約450円弱くらいかな)ノート4つ分を使って、まだ残ってます。(これ以上はA4では、作れないくらいです)リバティでノートを買うと、最低でも12ポンドくらいとられるんですが、これは、1冊あたり1ポンドです(まあ、私の労働時間やら、その辺の手持ちの紙を裏紙に使ったのもありますが)

8 Apr 2013

Children Books.

 For my nephew's birthday present, I bought these two books. Thinking about illustrators' jobs, in the UK drawing for Children books is more popular then the others. The right book in the photo above is written by Lucy Cousins, the author of Maisy. 
The story is about a zebra boy who has a new younger brother and his situation is the same as my nephew!
The other book in the photo is by my favorite British illustrator, Quentin Black. I really like his drawing, even though his style is not like as fashion drawing. For me, one of the most important things for drawing is how the drawing lines are alive and unique. 
Hope these books could help his study of English!
However, there is not a post office near my house...


1 Apr 2013

Got two shirts.

At Port bellow Market, I got two used shirts as a reasonable price. One is a cotton shirt by Vivienne Westwood, the other one is 70's Jersey Italian printed shirt.
Needless to day, the silhouette of Vivienne's shirt is really beautiful and well-made one. However, unfortunately there is a sewing mistake inside. That makes me a little disappoint because the name of bland is really famous high fashion house.
On the other hand, the print design of jersey shirt is very funny and unusual for me. It is not loud, but fascinating for me. I always name this type of design things 'retiring-showy' (my coined word).
If someone wears quite striking clothes, other people could remember    them when the people saw them just once, and think the person always wear them. However, although retiring-showy clothes are unique, they could wear again and again, and convenience to coordinate, I suppose.
By the way, the reason I like jersey shirts is that they don't need iron!        